In The News: Harper Prorogues Parliament Again

As a Canadian who is interested in personal sovereignty, you may be someone who votes for the Conservative Party by default.  I suggest you rethink that because they stand just as much for the expansion of government as the Liberals and socialist NDPs.  But perhaps with a bit more of an elitist and corporatist flavour than the other two.

For the fourth time during his tenure, Prime Minister Stephen Harper has prorogued the federal parliament.  This time, it was to prevent having to answer questions over senate expense account scandals.  This scandal involves inappropriate expense account claims by Mac Harb, Mike Duffy, Patrick Brazeau, and most recently Pamela Wallin.  The short version of the story is that these senators expensed hefty travel charges for activities that were unrelated to the Senate.  We’re not talking $5000 here; some of the figures I’ve seen thrown around are of the $100,000 order.  Just more examples of government misspending our money.  Thankfully, it is a continued topic of debate whether the Senate is still relevant and worth the cost, or if it should be abolished.

Read the article on Globe & Mail: Governor General Formally Prorogues Parliament

NDP Thomas Mulcair remarked: “Stephen Harper is setting new records for proroguing and avoiding accountability. He should stop hiding and recall Parliament now to face questions from the people’s representatives.”

I think our political system is outdated.  Why is it that our Prime Minister can just choose to delay a parliamentary session?  How do we allow failed votes-of-confidence or even the whim of the PM to call an election that costs us millions upon millions of dollars (more often than necessary)?

The first time he prorogued, it was because he was afraid of a non-confidence vote from the NDP, Liberal, and Bloc Quebecois which could have resulted in an early election.  the second time, it was to avoid questions over an Afghan detainees affair; though he said it was just for the duration of the 2010 Vancouver Olympics.  I have to research more on the third time.

Harper is not the only prime minister to (mis?)use this parliamentary procedure.  Jean Chrétien and Brian Mulroney also made use of prorogation.

The analogy in my mind is that our employee (Harper) is choosing to not show up for work in order to not have to explain why our money was wasted in such a manner.  How far would this go in the real world?  In fact, it’s even worse than this; not only is he not showing up, but the entire ‘office’ is closed for business because it is easier for him.

Hmmm, sounds like a great idea Harper, I should try this one in my office.

The funny thing is, I’m not actually sure if I blame him.  I am not really disappointed in the individual, but in the institution.

What are your thoughts on this latest prorogue of parliament?  Do you agree that it is just wasteful drama?